Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist
Ffordd newydd wnawd gan Iesu Grist

(Iachawdwriaeth trwy Grist)
Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist
I fyned heibio uffern drist;
  Hon a gysegrwyd ganddo Ef
  O ganol byd
      i ganol nef.

Agorodd Crist, pan rwygai'r llen,
Holl euraidd byrth
    y nefoedd wen,
  Fel gallai'i holl ganlynwyr Ef
  Gael ffordd yn rhydd
      i deyrnas nef.
- - - - -

(Y Ffordd Newydd)
1,2,((3),5);  1,2,4.

Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist
I basio heibio i uffern drist;
  Wedi ei phalmantu ganddo Ef,
  O ganol byd
      i ganol nef.

Agorodd Ef yn lled y pen,
Holl euraidd byrth
    y nefoedd wen,
  Mae rhyddid i'w gariadau Ef
  I mewn i holl drigfannau'r nef.

Gwnaed llwybr rhydd,
    'does rwystr mwy
Na all credadun dorri trwy;
  Gelynion hyll roed dan ei draed,
  Ac angau'n ffrind
      trwy rin y gwaed.

Ni wela etifeddion hedd
Ddim llid na ddigter yn ei wedd;
  Cariad gwna 'nhwy yn eon i fyn'd
  At Frenin Iesu fel at ffrynd.

Os tonnau gawn, a stormydd chwith,
Mae Duw o'n tu, ni foddwn byth;
  Credwn yn gryf, down maes o law
  Yn iach i'r lan yr ochor draw.
wnaed :: wnawd
ganddo Ef :: gaddo Fe
ganol nef :: ganol ne'
Mae rhyddid :: 'Roi rhydd-did

- - - - -

Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist,
I fynded heibio' uffern drist;
  Wedi'i phalmantu ganddo Ef
  O ganol byd
      i ganol nef.

Iesu yw'm ffordd i'r nefol fyd,
(Rhy wan yw'm dyledswyddau'i gyd,)
  'Nghyfiawnder eilwaith, a fy ngrym,
  Ti wyddost
      nad oes genyf ddim.

'Rwy'n dewis Iesu a'i farwol glwy'
Yn Frawd a Phriod i mi mwy;
  Ef yn Arweinydd, Ef yn Ben,
  I'm dwyn o'r byd
      i'r nefoedd wen.

Pwy wrendy ryddfan f'enaid gwan?
Pwy'm cŵydo'm holl ofidiau'r lan?
  Pwy ddwg fy maich
      fel Brenin ne'?
  Pwy gydymdeimla fel Efe?

Mae ynddo hefyd allu mawr
I gael fy meiau mwya'i lawr;
  Ei holl ddoethineb Ef a'i ras
  O rwydau'r ddraig
      a'm tyn i ma's.

- - - - -
Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist
I basio heibio i uffern drist;
  Yr hon phalmantwyd ganddo Ef,
  O ganol byd
      i ganol nef.

Agorodd Ef yn lled y pen,
Holl euraidd byrth
    y nefoedd wèn,
  'Ro'i rhyddid i'w gariadau Ef
  I mewn i holl drigfanau'r nef.

Os tònau gawn, a stormydd chwith,
Mae Duw o'n tu, ni foddwn byth;
  Credwn yn gryf,
      down, maes o law
  Yn iach i'r làn yr ochor draw.

Mil myrdd o frodyr anwyl sy
O'n gofid oll yn gorphwys fry;
  'Cha'dd neb o'r rhei'ny fyn'd yn rhydd
  Heb brofi o
      bwys a gwrês y dydd.

Paham disgwyliwn fyn'd i'r nef
Heb gario'r groes a gariodd Ef?
  Mwy melus fydd y nefoedd pan
  Yr elom iddi yn y màn.
- - - - -
1,2,(3,4),5,6,7;  1,2,4,5.
Ffordd newydd 'wnawd gan Iesu Grist
I basio heibio i uffern drist,
  Wedi ei phalmantu ganddo Fe
  O ganol byd
      i ganol ne'.

Agorodd Ef yn lled y pen
Holl euraidd byrth
    y nefoedd wen;
  'Roi rhyddid i'w gariadau Ef
  I mewn i holl drigfannau'r nef.

Gwnawd llwybyr rhydd,
    'd oes rhwystyr mwy,
Nas gall credadun dorri trwy;
  Gelynion hyll 'rowd dan ein traed,
  Ac angau'n ffrind,
      trwy rin y gwaed.

Pam 'r ofnwn dragwyddoldeb mwy?
Pam 'r ofnwn forio atynt hwy, -
  Y rhai i'n tyb a glywn yn bêr
  Yn canu heddiw uwch y sêr?

Os tonnau 'gawn, a stormydd chwith,
Mae Duw o'n tu, ni foddwn byth;
  Credwn yn gryf,
      down maes o law
  Yn iach i'r lan yr ochor draw.

Myrddiynau o frodyr annwyl sy
O'u gofid oll yn gorffwys fry;
  'Cha's neb o'r rheini fynd yn rhydd
  Heb brofi o
      bwys a gwres y dydd.

Pam y disgwyliwn fynd i'r nef
Heb gario'r groes a gariodd Ef?
  Mwy melys fydd y nefoedd, pan
  Yr elom iddi yn y man.

William Williams 1717-91

Abends (H S Oakeley 1830-1903)
Angel's Hymn/Song (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Angers (alaw eglwysig)
Burlington (<1835)
Carey (Henry Carey 1687-1743)
Lancaster (<1868)
New Sabbath (Isaac Smith 1734-1805)
Portugal (Thomas Thorley)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)
Van Ganol (D Jenkins 1849-1915)
Winchester (1592 Sallwyr Este)

  Mae Brenin nef ar fyr yn d'od
  Mae'r graig mae f'enaid arni'n byw
  Pechadur wyf da gŵyr fy Nuw
  Pwy wrendy riddfan f'enaid gwan?
  'Rwy'n dewis Iesu a'i farwol glwy'
  Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma'n awr

(Salvation through Christ)
A new way was made by Jesus Christ
To go past sad hell;
  This was hallowed by Him
  From the centre of the world
      to the centre of heaven.

Christ opened, when the curtain tore,
All the golden portals
    of the bright heavens,
  So that all His followers could
  Have a way freely
      to the kingdom of heaven.
- - - - -

(The New Way)

A new way was made by Jesus Christ
To pass by sad hell;
  Having been paved by Him,
  From the centre of the world
      to the centre of heaven.

He opened to the widest possible extent,
All the golden portals
    of the bright heavens,
  There is freedom for His beloved ones
  Inside to all the residences of heaven.

A free path was made,
    there is no more obstacle
That a believer cannot break through;
  Ugly enemies he put beneath his feet,
  And death as a friend
      through the merit of the blood.

The heirs of peace shall not see
Any wrath or anger in his face;
  Love will make them fearlessly go
  To King Jesus as to a friend.

If we have billows, or even storms,
God is on our side, we shall never drown;
  We firmly believe, we shall come soon
  Whole to the shore on the others side.

- - - - -

A new way was made by Jesus Christ,
To go past sad hell;
  Paved by Him
  From the centre of the world
      to the centre of heaven.

Jesus is my way to the heavenly world,
(Too weak are all my duties,)
  My righteousness also, and my strength,
  Thou knowest that
      I do not have enough at all.

I am choosing Jesus and his mortal wound
As Brother and Spouse to me henceforth;
  He as Leader, He as head,
  To lead me from the world
      to the bright heavens.

Who will hear the groaning of my weak soul?
Who will lift up all my griefs?
  Who will take my burden
      like the King of heaven?
  Who will sympathize like He?

In him also is great ability
To get my greatest faults down;
  All His wisdom and his grace
  From the bonds of the dragon
      will pull me out.

- - - - -
A new way was made by Jesus Christ
To pass by sad hell;
  This was paved by Him,
  From the centre of the world
      to the centre of heaven.

He opened wide
All the golden portals
    of the bright heavens,
  To give freedom to His loved ones
  Into all the residences of heaven.

If we get waves, and sinister storms,
God is on our side, we shall never drown;
  Let us believe strongly,
      we will come, soon
  Whole to the shore on the far side.

A thousand myriads of beloved brothers are
Away from all our grief, resting above;
  None of those got to go free
  Without experiencing
      the pressure and heat of the day.

Why would we expect to go to heaven
Without carrying the cross He carried?
  More sweet will be heaven when
  We go to it soon.
- - - - -
A new way was made by Jesus Christ
To pass by sad hell,
  Paved by Him
  From the center of the world
      to the center of heaven.

He opened wide
All the golden portals
    of the bright heaven;
  To give freedom to His beloved ones
  Into all the residences of heaven.

A free path was made,
    there is no more obstacle,
Nor can a creature break through;
  Ugly enemies were put under our feet,
  And death became a friend,
      through the merit of his blood.

Why do we fear eternity any more?
Why do we fear to sail towards them, -
  Those I suppose we hear sweetly
  Singing today above the stars?

If waves we get, and troublesome storms,
God is on our side, we shall never drown;
  Let us believe strongly,
      we shall come soon
  Safely up to yonder side.

Myriads of dear brothers are
From all their grief resting above;
  None of those got to go free
  Without experiencing the
      weight and heat of the day.

Why do we expect to go to heaven
Without carrying the cross He carried?
  More sweet shall be heaven, when
  We go to it soon.

tr. 2009,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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